Thursday, August 09, 2007

Fantastic Children - DVD Vol 1 of 6

Fantastic Children DVD Vol 1Volume one of Fantastic Children contains the first five episodes of a 26 episode series. The mystery of the series is being built in this volume as we really don't know a whole lot about what's going on. So far there are at least four different stories running. One having to do with the white-haired children spanning from 1859 to 2012; a second one with a young boy named Tohma and a young orphan named Helga; a third dealing with Detective Cooks who is investigating missing persons which leads him to questions about the white-haired children; and fourth about a company named GED.

So far there is plenty to keep you guessing about what's going on. There is not yet a whole lot to like about the characters though. Tohma is okay, Chitto it a brat (besides his name sounding like a snack food) and Helga is annoying. None of the white-haired children are seen enough to really relate to yet but you do feel that there is a sadness to them - which I'm sure we'll discover later.

So far plenty of mystery keeps this interesting and yet slow pacing is causing me some problems. Perhaps I'm just not really in the mood for this type of series yet again. Hopefully that will all take care of itself when the story unfolds more.

Extras on this DVD include a few previews for other series and a clean opening.

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